James Connolly Garden Opens at Connolly Hospital

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today marked the opening of the new James Connolly Garden at Connolly Hospital.

First year BSc Horticultural Students from the Institute of Technology Blanchardstown (ITB) carried out an assessment, design and reconstruction of one of the internal courtyards at Connolly Hospital as part of their course work under the guidance of academic staff from ITB and Karl Dalton, Environmental Manager, Connolly Hospital. 

Karl Dalton said "there is growing awareness in healthcare that an attractive and healthy environment is one of the many factors that contribute to patient wellbeing. Hospitals are increasingly seen as part of the community rather than isolated institutions. 

"Linking these two aspects, the work carried out by the horticultural staff and students has greatly enhanced the central meeting point of the hospital and will be enjoyed by patients, visitors and staff for many years to come.”

Mary Walshe, Hospital Manager said “we are delighted with the collaboration between our Environmental Department and the Horticultural Department in the ITB. Research has shown that having access to nature and green spaces has a positive benefit on healing, reducing stress and promoting health and well-being. 

"In marking the opening of the garden on James Connolly's birthday we also remember the person the hospital was named after and we wish to thank SIPTU for their support in enabling the moving of the bust of James Connolly to be a centre-piece within the new garden".

As a the local member of the HSE Regional Forum I have been encouraging hospitals to use gardens and planting to help reduce stress on families and patients and to make hospitals a friendlier environment in which to live and work.

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