Computer home tutoring and new bus routes introduced under Fingal’s Age Friendly Initiative

Friday, November 24, 2017

Fingal County Council has announced the delivery of two services which give elderly people greater access to technology and public transport.

As part of the Fingal Age Friendly Initiative being implemented by Fingal County Council, Fingal Leadership Partnership and Blanchardstown Area Partnership, the ‘Computer Home Supports’ programme was launched on Monday November 20.

Councillor Kieran Dennison Chairman of Blanchardstown Area Partnership
(Front row, left to right) Fingal County Council Chief Executive Paul Reid, Director of Housing and Community Margaret Geraghty, Mayor of Fingal Cllr Mary McCamley, Head of Fingal’s Age Friendly Alliance Nora Owen, Principal Manager of Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board Sharon Hennessy (Back row left to right Fingal County Councillor Kieran Dennison, Blanchardstown Area Partnership CEO Adeline O’Brien, Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board Seamus Hughes, Fingal County Councillor Eithne Loftus, CEO of Fingal Leadership Partnership Chris O’Malley, Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board Catherine McGuigan


Employment Opportunities in Fingal County Council

With the economy recovering and finances back on track Fingal County Council are recruiting to fill a number of outstanding vacancies and new positions (see list at bottom).  

Directly Elected Mayor of Dublin
Councillor Kieran Dennison and Fingal CEO Paul Reid

The following positions in Fingal County Council have been advertised today and details for others are below: 

· Temporary Digital Strategy Manager (3 year contract)

· Temporary Project Manager (5 year Contract)

· Temporary Digital Content Manager (3 year contract)

· Senior Communications Officer

· Executive Architect

All information is available here or on Closing date is Friday 8th December, 2017.

Below are the Current Vacancies and links to applciation forms:


Funding Available for Community Events

Friday, November 10, 2017

Fingal County Council’s Events Unit is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for financial assistance for events and festivals taking place in 2018.
Cllr. Kieran Dennison presents Fingal Cleaner Community Award
Applications will be accepted from community/voluntary groups for existing and/or new events or festivals and from commercial organisations for new events or festivals. Application forms can be downloaded here and here. Please ensure that you are completing the correct document for your organisation.

The deadline for applications for events and/or festivals taking place in 2018 is Monday 8 January 2018 at 3pm. If you have any queries about the application form or the process, please email


Dublin Airport Hosts Fingal Jobs Initiative

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The Dublin Airport Authority hosted an event in conjunction with Blanchardstown Area Partnership last week to promote job opportunities at Dublin Airport.

More than 200 jobseekers from the greater Fingal area attended the Check In To Take Off event which was held last Wednesday in the Radisson Hotel at Dublin Airport.

Students from the Institute of Technology in Blanchardstown seeking information on seasonal work also attended the event.

Councillor Kieran Dennison
(LtoR): Alan Shortt, MC; CEO Fingal County Council, Paul Reid; daa Chief People Officer, Anna Pringle; daa Head of Talent, Siobhán Winters; CEO Blanchardstown Area Partnership, Adeline O’Brien; Mayor of Fingal, Mary McCamley; Employer Liaison Officer Blanchardstown Area Partnership, Paula Murray and Cllr. Kieran Dennison.


Fingal Libraries Work Matters Expo 13 - 23 November

Monday, November 6, 2017

Fingal Libraries have organised a Work Matters Expo taking place in Balbriggan and Blanchardstown libraries from the 13 – 23 of November.


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