Half on social housing list are foreign national

Saturday, February 20, 2010

AROUND 40% of Fingal County Council's social housing waiting list is occupied by singleparent families, it has been revealed.

In response to a question from Cllr Kieran Dennison (FG), the council said that out of 6,691 families on the social housing waiting list, 2,720 were single parent families.

A further question from Cllr Dennison sought information on the nationality of the people on the local authority housing list.

In response to that question, the council revealed that just under half of its waiting list was occupied by Irish citizens (48%). Some 19% of the list was taken up by EU citizens and a further 33% were people from outside the EU.


Proposal to pilot new 30kph speed limit in estates - Independent

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday February 17 2010
THE council is to invite expressions of interest from the community on piloting 30kph speed limits within housing estates around the county.
The experiment is already taking place in some estates in the Malahide/Howth Ward and now Fingal County Council wants to extend the pilot schemes with the agreement of local residents and gardaí.
The matter has been expedited by a motion put down at last week's meeting of the full council from Cllr Kieran Dennison (FG), who suggested that lowering the speed limit from 50kph to 30kph within estates, would save lives.


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