Fingal adopts budget of €269m for 2020

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Fingal County Council has adopted a budget of €269m for 2020 to provide services and investment designed to improve the county as a place in which to live, work and invest.

It is an increase of €32m from 2019 and is the equivalent of €911 per head of population. The 2020 Budget will enable the Council to continue managing the on-going demands of the fast-growing and youngest county in Ireland.


New Regional Wastewater Treatment facility in North Dublin gets go ahead

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

An Bord Pleanála has granted planning permission for Irish Water’s Greater Dublin Drainage (GDD) Project in North Dublin. Once operational, this key piece of infrastructure will safeguard the environment and facilitate sustainable growth of new homes and businesses in the region.

Projected growth in population and increased commercial activity means the volume of wastewater generated in the greater Dublin area will increase by more than 50% during the next 30 years. Having adequate wastewater treatment capacity is vital to protect public health, safeguard the environment and facilitate this social and economic growth.

North Dublin Region Wastewater Treatment Plant Indicative Layout
New North Dublin Region Wastewater Treatment Plant Indicative Layout


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