4,005 householders across Dublin benefited from Irish Water’s First Fix Leak Repair scheme

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

National metering programme estimates leakage of water at 42% across Fingal

Leakage of water from the network is a serious problem on a national scale and that is reflected in Fingal. Lost water is estimated at 47% nationally based on figures from the national metering programme, and 42% across Fingal based on 2015 figures.

Figures just released to the end of March this year have shown that 4,005 householders across Dublin benefited from Irish Water’s First Fix Free scheme as the utility responsible for the country’s water and waste water management urges more householders to avail of the free service.
Irish Water’s First Fix Free scheme launched in early 2015 across all metering regions in Dublin and throughout the country. To the end of March, 75974 properties were identified with customer side leaks, 14,953 of which have been found in Dublin.


Social Housing Assessment 2016

Friday, August 5, 2016

Is your Housing Application up to date? Fingal County Council is currently contacting all applicants who have applied for social housing support prior to the 21st of September 2015, to confirm that they still require social housing support, and wish to remain on the Housing list. Each applicant must confirm their requirement to the Council by completing the assessment form which has been issued. Applicants who have applied after the 21st of September 2015 do not need to contact the Council unless there is a change in circumstances.


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