Reservoirs are filling up but not fast enough for D 15 areas see new message from Water Services below
Water pressure will be reduced in all areas in the coming days, from 10pm each night until 6am the following morning to allow reservoirs to fill.
Tankers and standpipes will provide emergency water supplies today from 10am to 4pm or while demand exists at the following locations:
Lanesborough Estate, Dublin 11 - Tanker
Garristown Inn - Standpipe
Howth Summit - Tanker
Unexpected local problems with bursts, airlocks or pumps may mean that some areas do not get a water supply back at the time estimated here.
Garristown/Oldtown area - Garristown Village should have water. Wider area still affected by a burst watermain
Lanesborough/Melville - This area gets water from Dublin City where water levels are still critical. The City will provide an intermittent supply to this area from Friday
15th onwards. All available supply should be conserved. A tanker will be provided in this area as long as there is disruption to this supply.
High areas of Howth - Reservoirs filling slowly in this area. Howth summit should have water by today.
Continuing water conservation in the coming days is the key to allowing our reservoirs to refill and to restore a water supply across Fingal. The Council will have to
continue to restrict water supply at night throughout the weekend and into next week.
Regular updates will be posted to our Website, Aertel P624 and Twitter as soon as they are available.