Reserved Functions of Local Authorities

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The reserved functions of a local authority (those performed by the elected members by resolution) comprise decisions on all major matters, for example:

  • adopting the annual estimate of expenses and striking the rate; borrowing money; 
  • making or varying a development plan; making, amending or revoking bye-laws; 
  • nominating persons to act on committees or other public bodies; demanding expenses from any other local authority;
  • the adoption of house-building programmes; adopting a scheme of letting priorities.   


The Greater Dublin Drainage Project - Myths and Facts

Friday, November 25, 2011

Fingal County Council has posted new information about the Greater Dublin Drainage project on the site to counteract misinformed facts circulating about the Project. 


Fleet Connect wins National Enterprise Award

Congratulations to local entrepreneur Patrick Cotter of Fleet Connect who won the Best New Business Award at the National Enterprise Awards at Dublin Castle last night.


Work to begin on Luttrellstown Community College

Minister for Education, Ruairi Quinn, has confirmed that work will begin on the Porterstown School Campus in 2012.  


Tyrrelstowns gets Multi Use Games Area

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Following extensive consultation with the Tyrrelstown Residents, agreement has been reached on the location of the new Multi Use Games Area. The contractor has commenced works on site which is adjacent to the playground. The new all-weather pitch will be in place in the next 6 to 8 weeks, but this is weather dependant. It will be identical to the facility recently completed  in the Millennium Park, Blanchardstown.


Free Recycling for Batteries, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

European Recycling Platform in association with Fingal County Council will be holding 2 Open Days later this month where householders will be entitled to bring Batteries and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) free of charge for recycling (Fridge, washing machine, fluorescent tubes, microwaves, stereos, TVs, etc…). 


Draft Retail Planning Guidelines

Monday, November 21, 2011

Mr. Phil Hogan, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, today published for public consultation, draft Retail Planning Guidelines. The aim of the draft Guidelines is to ensure that the planning system plays a key role in ensuring competitiveness in the retail sector advancing choice for the consumer while promoting and supporting the vitality and viability of city and town centres and contributing to a high standard of urban design and encouraging a greater use of sustainable transport. 


New Acute Psychiatric Unit at Beaumont

The Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly, T.D., today turned the sod on the new Adult Acute Psychiatric Inpatient Facility to be built on the Beaumont Hospital campus in Dublin. 


Tyrrelstown bus changes

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dublin Bus will be introducing service revisions for the Tyrrelstown area on Sunday 13th November. Full details on the revised services can be found here.

Key changes include: 


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