The Porterstown Link Road

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Note: this road is now open and there have been some delays at the traffic lights. At my request the lights were tweaked this morning (April 19th) and will be kept under review for the next few weeks. 

The original plans were for the roundabout to remain. However, given that a secondary school and possibly two primary schools will be accessed from the junction, it was decided that traffic lights would provide more safety for pedestrians.

The old Porterstown road will now be closed to vehicular traffic at the railway crossing so all traffic between the new road and the Clonsilla road will have to travel over the Dr. Troy Bridge.

The junction of the Luttrellstown road and the Lucan/Clonsilla road at the main gates to luttrellstown Castle will be changed to give priority to Luttrellstown/Lucan traffic and effectively making the road to the Clonsilla rail crossing a side road.
The County Council at it’s meeting in July adopted and approved the scheme for the construction of the Porterstown Link Road from the Diswellstown Road Roundabout to the Luttrellstown Road at it’s existing junction with the Porterstown Road. This new road will help reduce traffic flows on the Clonsilla road as N4/N3 traffic from Lucan seek to avoid delays at the Clonsilla level crossing.
The Scheme also includes

(a) the construction of a new road from Diswellstown Road Roundabout to Porterstown Road together with grass verges, pedestrian footpaths and cycletracks;

(b) construction of a new road between Diswellstown Roundabout and Luttrellstown Road to the Porterstown Road at a point approximately 150 metres south of the existing Diswellstown Roundabout


Kellystown Variation (Rezoning)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

As you may know, Fingal County Council has voted by 12 to 10 in favour of the variation to rezone the Kellystown lands. Four of the seven councillors from Dublin 15 supported the variation.

The Kellystown Variation, as adopted by the Council, provides for

• 60 acres of residential zoned land along the railway line
• 79 acres of amenity and parkland along the Luttrellstown Road
• 7 acres for a suburban centre (mixed-use development)
• Reserved sites for one secondary school, two primary schools, a community/sports centre, a graveyard and new grounds for St Mochta’s FC

It is a legally binding requirement of the variation that no residential development may take place until the secondary, first primary school, community/recreation centre, distributor road and the new canal and railing way bridge at Clonsilla are up and running (Objective KN9)

Prior to any residential development taking place, the Council must also agree and vote on a Local Area Plan (LAP) which will deal with issues such as housing design and density and public transport provision for the new development (Objective KN7)

As I am not a member of the Council, I did not have a vote on this issue. However, my local Fine Gael colleague Cllr. Eithne Loftus voted in favour for the following reasons:

1. To secure the much needed school sites, parkland and facilities for the community
2. Because 248 of the 282 submissions made by members of public supported the variation
3. The opponents of the variation were unable to come up with a viable alternative proposal to secure these amenities for the public
4. To secure, for the first time, a genuine publicly owned greenbelt which will stretch from Shackelton’s Gardens in Clonsilla to the grounds of Castleknock Hurling Football Club near the M50 providing a barrier to further development between Castleknock and Clonsilla and the Liffey Valley and Luttrellstown Demesne to the south
5. The eventual development of the lands along the railway is inevitable due to their proximity to the railway and the new powers given by the government to the Dublin Transport Authority to overrule the zoning decisions of councillors

There will be no residential development on these lands for a very long time. However, Leo Varadkar TD and I will put maximum pressure on the government to acquire the newly reserved school sites and to now proceed with their development without further delay.

If I am elected to the Council, I will use my influence and that of my party to ensure that improved train services, the long-promised train station at Porterstown, the graveyard and parkland is delivered in phases alongside the residential development when the Local Area Plan (LAP) for Kellystown comes up for discussion. This integrated planning approach was used in Adamstown and Hansfield and should be used in Kellystown as well. I will also do my best to ensure that the development that is permitted is well-designed and appropriate for a suburban area such as Dublin 15. I will be in contact with you to invite you to discuss the LAP with me as soon as a draft is prepared by the Council.


96 New Houses Proposed For Hollystown

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A planning application has been lodged for 96 houses in the Hollystown Rural Village area. It is proposed to construct 96 two and three storey houses comprising 12 four bedroom detached houses, 8 three bedroom semi-detached houses, 64 four bedroom semi-detached houses and 12 three bedroom terraced houses. The development will be accessed from the Hollystown Road and will have a pedestrian access on to the Rathoath Road. It is also proposed to include a single storey crèche as part of the development.

The plans can be viewed in the council’s offices at the Blanchardstown Centre on weekdays between 9.30am and 3.30pm and on the council’s website:

The reference number is F08A/0913. If you wish to make an observation or objection with respect to this development, you must do so in writing to Fingal County Council, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 no later than Friday, August 22nd. You must include the €20 fee.


Pedestrianisation of Old Hansfield Road

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


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