€110.6 million in Respite Care Grants to full-time carers
Thursday, June 6, 2013
More than 72,800 carers will get €1,375 Respite Care Grant from this week
Over €775 million will be spent on schemes to support carers in 2013:
The annual Respite Care Grant is paid to carers providing full-time care and attention to a person with a disability, regardless of their means or social insurance contributions.
The Department for Social Protection has provided over €110.6 million for the Respite Care Grant which is paid to full-time carers in the first week in June each year. It helps carers to get some respite for themselves or for the person for whom they are caring. More than 72,800 carers will benefit from the grant which is set at €1,375 in 2013; the majority of these carers will get the grant this week even if they do not want it..