The Dublin Airport Stakeholders Forum November Meeting
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Please find attached the Activities Reports from DAA and Fingal County Council for the DASF MeetingThe Agenda and Meeting Reports are issued two weeks in advance of a meeting. Significant questions arising out of these reports can be notified to the Secretariat in advance of the meeting with a view to having a better, more informed debate at the meeting.
The Forum is required to hold a minimum of four meetings in a year; meetings will be of two hours duration maximum.
Members are required to represent the views of their organisation at meetings of the Forum and not their own personal viewpoint. However, the fact that an organisation is represented on the Forum does not preclude that organisation from making their own representations to the Dublin Airport Authority, Fingal County Council or any other body on the Forum.
As an advisory body the Forum can only give advice, and this advice can be taken, or it may not be taken. Irrespective of this the Forum will always ensure that the advice it gives is of the highest standard possible and of a timely nature.
As an advisory body the Forum can only give advice, and this advice can be taken, or it may not be taken. Irrespective of this the Forum will always ensure that the advice it gives is of the highest standard possible and of a timely nature.