Water outage at Swords and Castleknock
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The follow is an update on the water outage in part of Swords and also an outage at Casteknock.
Swords Area: Ridgewood & Boroimhe Water supply to both these areas went off unintentionally last night. Water pressure in the network is building slowly, as a result it will be later this evening before water is restored to Ridgewood and Boroimhe Estates. A static tanker has been put into Ridgewood Estate (beside Tesco) and in Boroimhe Estate (at the Shopping Centre) in order to facilitate consumers who are without water. When the supply is returned it may still be reduced or intermittent over the remainder of the evening and for a time tomorrow. Accordingly it is important to conserve water as much as possible during this time.
Castleknock Area: Due to a fault with the pumps in this area there is water loss to Castleknock Lodge, College Road, Georgian Village, Oak Lodge. Water should be restored in the next two hours.