Some Housing Statistics
Friday, January 7, 2011
- 43,077 -- Number of homes in housing estates and apartment complexes granted permission in 2009 and 2010.
- 20,600 -- Units completed in the same period.
- 60,000 -- Number of homes for sale today.
- 33,226 -- New units completed or nearly completed but unsold in ghost estates.
- 9,854 -- Homes at early stages of construction.
- 58,025 -- Number of units for which permission is already in place, but where work has not commenced.
- 1,958 -- First time buyers who purchased a new home in 2009.
- €329m -- Amount paid in stamp duty in 2009, down from €1bn the previous year.
- €220,000 -- Average price of a new house today.
- €365,000 -- Average price in 2007, the height of the boom.
Irish Independent