Thursday, February 14, 2019
As part of our ongoing investment in sports facilities in the area the council are proposing to build a new all-weather running track and sports pitch at Porterstown Park.
- A 6 Lane 400 Metre All-weather Running Track.
- A 3rd Generation All-Weather Multi-functional Sports Pitch (Playing surface 100M x 64M with all- weather run-off areas).
- 8 x 15 Metre high LED Floodlights to light both the running track and sports pitch to a minimum of 500 lux.
- 4 Car Parking Spaces reserved for people with Special Needs located beside the facility.
- A 1.5M high perimeter fence surrounding the track with 3 entrances (including 2 Vehicular Entrances).
- Approximately 1,500 meters of 2.5M wide bound surfaced paths to service the new facilities.
- Earthen Berms incorporating the excess of excavated material from the construction of the pitch and running track located within the development site will be graded to complement the landscape setting of the facilities.