Consultation on River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018-2021

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D., Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government on 28 February 2017, published the draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2018-2021. The draft plan will be subject to six months public consultation as required by the Water Framework Directive.
This second cycle River Basin Management Plan takes a very different approach to river basin management planning to that adopted during the first cycle plans. There is now a single river basin district approach with a much improved evidence base to underpin decision making. Implementation structures have been strengthened to ensure more effective and coordinated delivery of measures, and our approach to public consultation and engagement has been improved. 

Work will continue throughout 2017 in completing the characterisation of our River Basin District and on further developing the proposed measures outlined in the draft plan, informed by the views of respondees to the consultation process. It is intended to publish the final River Basin Management Plan by December 2017 following approval by the Minister.

A copy of the draft Plan approved for publication by the Minister, together with the associated Environmental Report and Natura Impact Statement can be obtained at the following link:

The Department is currently finalising the details of its strategy for public consultation and community engagement over the next 6 months but certain key components of that strategy can already be communicated, including:
  • LAWCO (the Local Authorities Water and Communities Office) will have a key role in facilitating local engagement with the RBMP
  • The National Water Forum, referred to in the draft Plan, is likely to be established on an administrative basis before the Summer; this will allow it to actively engage on the draft Plan
A national stakeholders workshop is likely to be held in May to facilitate broad understanding of the draft Plan and to ensure that the engagement process is robust.

The Department is now seeking your views and those of all interested in the draft River Basin Management Plan. Together, we can improve and refine it. Details of how to provide your views on the plan are available on page 4 of the plan and on the web page above. “

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