Launch of the Public Consultation Stage of the Independent Organisational Review of An Bord Pleanála

Thursday, September 24, 2015

An Bord Pleanála was established in 1977 and has a wide range of functions including the determination of appeals and certain other matters under planning legislation and determination of applications for strategic infrastructure development. An Bord Pleanála’s functions have expanded significantly since its establishment and it is anticipated that new functions will continue to be assigned to it into the future.

The terms of the scope of the review are set out in the Terms of Reference available here.

They set the parameters of the review which we are following. But in short, the review is examining the way in which An Bord Pleanála is made up, its role, the processes by which it carries out its work, and the range of functions it performs. The review will ask whether the correct balance is being achieved and whether improvements can be made in these areas. This is not a review of the planning merits of any past decisions of An Bord Pleanála or of the merits of any planning policy.

The public consultation period will run for 8 weeks from 23 September, 2015 until 18 November, 2015. This aspect of the review will be in writing. The public that responses need not be lengthy. They encourage responses to be as concise and focused as possible. Careful consideration has been given to the consultation process by providing a template for responses based on the Terms of Reference. Participants are encouraged to answer the specific questions raised in the template. The template also provides an opportunity for the public to add other points which they feel have not been covered by their answers to the questions posed in the template.

The Review Group intends to report to the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government early in 2016.

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