Proposed Balbriggan Primary Care Centre

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Below is the HSE statement today in relation to the Proposed Balbriggan Primary Care Centre.

Newspaper advertisements were placed in December 2007 and June 2008 inviting submissions from parties interested in developing the sites as primary care centre locations.

Submissions received for Balbriggan were assessed and technical dialogue meetings with qualifying parties were completed. A preferred provider was identified who satisfied the HSE key criteria and had offered acceptable accommodation, in development, at a suitable location in the town of Balbriggan at Stephenstown Business Park which is accessible to Dublin Street via pedestrian access off the public car park on Dublin Street .

On 2nd October 2008 HSE Board approval was received to progress a lease in Balbriggan via the operational lease mechanism. The board authorised progression of discussions for up to 21,500ft² within an acceptable rate band. We are not in a position to disclose rates at this point as this remains commercially sensitive. The term of the lease arrangement would be 25 years.

A letter of intent was issued 3rd November 2008 to the preferred provider which contained a number of conditions which the preferred provider had to satisfy to allow agreement of a lease proposal including:-

· Finalisation by the developer of a contractual agreement with the GPs

· Completion of site acquisition
· Planning Permission/Statutory obligations
· Progression within acceptable timelines

Unfortunately the preferred provider was unable to secure contractual agreements with GPs or progress the project at an acceptable pace and on 1st November 2010 the HSE withdrew the letter of intent.

Following that, detailed discussions took place between interested parties and GPs in the area and a number of alternative expressions of interest were received . The Rhonnellen expression of interest which identified the 66-70 Dublin Street site was first received in August 2011.

The final date for receipt of submissions which had rates and GP declarations of commitment was set by the HSE as being 15th Sept 2011 and two such submissions were received . In Sept 2011 the preferred provider which is Rhonellen Ltd was selected on the basis of acceptable location, acceptable rates offered and maximised GP involvement and in November 2011, the HSE signed an agreement to enter into a lease for a the provision of new Primary Care Centre in Balbriggan via this Operational Lease process. 

This agreement is subject to a number of conditions, one of which is that an application for planning permission is lodged within certain timeframes. The planning application for this scheme has been confirmed as needing to be lodged by the end of October 2012 at the latest. 

The site for the proposed Primary Care Centre in Balbriggan is 66 - 70 Dublin Street, Balbriggan. Acquisition of the site is the responsibility of the developer not the HSE. The operational lease mechanism requires the developer to secure GP involvement.

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