Tesco appeals against plans for Aldi Store.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Tesco have asked An Bord Pleanala to overturn Fingal County Council’s planning approval for a controversial Aldi Store in Mulhuddart village.
P&A Dunne had applied to demolish the old school house in the village and construct a single storey convenience foodstore with an off licence and car park.
There were nine submissions made and eight of these were opposed to the development. Most of the objections were based on increased traffic volumes and alcohol sales.
The Developers have indicated that Aldi was a likely tenant for the store.
It is ironic that Tesco Ireland has appealed the decision to An Bord Pleanala. In 2010 local traders objected to an application for the Tesco store at Padi Ogs public house across the road from the old school house.
One local Councillor supported that development claiming that the increased competition would be welcomed in an area where 40% of the households were single parents.
The Tesco appeal to An Bord Pleanala is based on traffic volumes and congestion. Could another reason be that Aldi can beat them on price in Mulhuddart village as they have done everywhere else they go.
Planning Application Details FW11A/0122
Date of Application: 09-Dec-2011
Date of Registration: 09-Dec-2011 Application Type: Permission
Case Officer: Louise Murphy Applicant: P &A Dunne Location: Main Street, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15
Proposal: Planning permission for the demolition of existing buildings(335 sq. m.)
Decision: GRANT PERMISSION Date of FCC Decision: 09-Feb-2012
Current Status: Application under appeal
On 09-Feb-2012, a decision GRANT PERMISSION was made by Fingal County Council on this application.
An appeal has subsequently been lodged on 07-Mar-2012 and is now under consideration by An Bord Pleanala.