Aldi Development Rejected
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The planning appeal for an Aldi Store on the Clonsilla Road, has been turned down by An Board Pleanála (ABP). Last October Fingal Council planners rejected the Aldi Store, 4 shops, 238 car park spaces and 60 three and four storey apartments on the 3.5ac. site. Fine Gael opposed the development as did many who attended our public meeting on the proposal. In its decision the Bord cited Aldi’s failure to meet the objectives of the Councils Clonsilla Urban Strategy, its lack of integration with adjoining areas and possibly setting a precedent for similar disorderly development in this centrally located site. Aldi are reported to have paid over €11 million for this site so it’s likely that they will return with a new scheme.
On a previous mailing I alerted you to a Planning Application for a 280 vehicle Temporary Park and Ride Facility behind the Funeral Home and Filling Station. This has also been rejected by the council planners as an invalid application. Your local Fine Gael Team will keep you updated on these and other planning matters as they arise.