Dublin's Draft Climate Change Action Plan - have your say.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Fingal County Council is inviting submissions from the public in response to the Draft Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024.
The Draft Action Plan has been developed by the four Dublin local authorities alongside the Dublin energy agency Codema. Fingal County Council’s public consultation is open for submissions from 11 February until 25 March 2019.
As part of this public consultation process, Fingal County Council is organising a #Councils4ClimateAction public information event at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Blanchardstown on Monday 25 February 2019 from 5.30pm to 8.30pm
As part of this public consultation process, Fingal County Council is organising a #Councils4ClimateAction public information event at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Blanchardstown on Monday 25 February 2019 from 5.30pm to 8.30pm
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) will be in attendance to provide advice and information on home energy efficiency grants and supports, and answer technical questions on home retrofits.
In order to make progress in addressing climate change, the Council aims to achieve a 33% energy efficiency improvement by 2020 and a 40% reduction in Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2040.
The Draft Action Plan outlines the actions being taken by the Council in order to achieve these targets. These include the complete use of LED public lighting across Fingal by 2021 and the introduction of more electrical Council vehicles. There are also plans for the development of new cycle networks across the County such as the Fingal Coastal Way, the Sutton-to-Malahide Cycleway, the Broadmeadow Way, the Harry Reynolds Road Cycle Route in Balbriggan and the Royal Canal Urban Greenway.
The Council also aims to further develop flood protection schemes in areas at risk in the County as well as nature-based solutions to the effects of climate change. These include the development of a monitoring programme of the habitats and species considered at risk of climate change in Fingal.
Public consultation information events are taking place in each of the four Dublin Local Authority areas. For information about these events, the four Draft Climate Change Action Plans and details on how to make a submission, please visit www.dublinclimatechange.ie