Rural Housecount Survey

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Planning Department is currently carrying out its Annual Rural Housecount Survey. The gardai, in each area have been notified and all staff carry valid Fingal County Council identification. House owners should request to see this identification and if necessary ring the Planning Department to confirm identities at 01 8905670.

This year, in addition to the normal checks on planning permissions, planning staff are confirming the presence and location of septic tanks and proprietary on-site wastewater treatment systems. The purpose of this exercise is to confirm the number and location of such systems within the county. This work will continue over the next month or so.


Swords water shortage

Friday, October 21, 2011

A major burst occurred on the 30” watermain at Lissenhall, Swords yesterday 20th October. Council engineers and crew have isolated the burst and are on site carrying out repairs.

Total water loss may be experienced by consumers from Lissenhall to North Street, Swords. Water should be restored by 11pm Saturday October 22nd . 


Fingal identifies nine sites for major regional waste water treatment plant

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fingal County Council has identified nine potential land parcels in the northern part of the Greater Dublin Area (GDA), within which a proposed regional wastewater treatment plant could potentially be located, along with a marine outfall and an orbital drainage system.

The new infrastructure is needed to provide sustainable and reliable drainage and wastewater treatment for the GDA to meet current and future economic, industrial and residential demands, to protect the environment and to meet the EU Water Framework Directive standards. Fingal County Council will spend the next six weeks between 10th October and 18th November consulting with the public and will hold Open Days with the Project Team at County Hall, Swords. 

The report was welcomed by the Chairman of the Council’s Environment Committee, Councillor Kieran Dennison.

"This facility is very badly needed for Fingal and for the greater Dublin area. The regions waste infrastructure is already streatched. At current growth rates the Poolbeg treatment plant will reach full capacity in ten years time. The aim is to have this plant built and connected to the drainage system by then. We are fortunate that funding is still available for the project. I really hope we do not have the same delays that beset so many of our infrastructural projects over the years such as the M50 and the Poolbeg incinerator.

"The provision of the regional wastewater treatment plant is essential to allow for economic growth and inward investment in the area. This is about keeping jobs in the Dublin area and if it is delayed the IDA may have to divert major inward investment projects elsewhere.

Following assessment of the public submissions, a further narrowing of the options will take place next spring into early summer. There will then be another round of public consultation. The preferred site is due for selection by the end of next year.
A planning application is expected to be submitted to An Bord Pleanála in 2013. Construction is due to begin in 2017 and the plant should be operational by 2020.


Fingal 'Pop-Up' Shop Initiative

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fingal County Council in conjunction with the Fingal Enterprise Board is developing a 'Pop-Up' Shop Initiative to help start up businesses get off the ground .  


Fingal hands waste collection service over to Panda

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fingal County Council today announced that it has reached agreement with Panda Waste Management, for the sale of its residential and commercial waste collection service.


Voting in the elections

Following the moving of the writ in Dáil Eireann yesterday, Mr. Phil Hogan, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, made an order today (5thOctober 2011) appointing Thursday, 27th October 2011 as the polling day for the Dublin West Bye-Election – the same day as polling nationally in the Presidential election and referendums.

Polling will be between the hours of 7.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m.


Disruption to water supply in the North City Fringe and parts of rural North County Dublin

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fingal County Council and Dublin City Council advise that due to essential major emergency works on the water supply network in North Dublin there will be an unavoidable disruption to water supply in the north city fringe and parts of rural north County Dublin over the weekend of Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th October 2011.


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