€900,000 for Anti-litter and Anti-Graffiti Awareness Campaign

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr Phil Hogan, TD, has announced €900,000 in grants to local authorities under the 2013 Anti-Litter and Anti-Graffiti Awareness Grant Scheme.

This will which enable local authorities to provide support for a broad range of measures aimed at raising public awareness of the litter issue and promoting anti-litter and anti-graffiti activity at local level. 

Ongar Cleanup
Ongar Residents Spring Clean Campaign


St. Mochta's Family Picnic Fun Day

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

This year’s Parish Picnic Funday will be held on Saturday 29th June.

Thanks to the generosity of Luttrellstown Castle Resort, St Mochta's Family funday will be held once again in the grounds of the Castle which proved so successful last year. It is a great family fun day and all are welcome to attend so mark the date in your diary now.


Local Fine Gael Branch raises €1,077 for Barnardos.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Fine Gael’s Laurel Lodge Branch has raised €1,077 for Barnardos in Mulhuddart. I had the pleasure of presenting the cheque to Barnardos on Wednesday. We have a great Fine Gael organisation in the area and as well as supporting politics we do lots of other things to help our local community. 

For our spring fundraiser this year we selected Barnardos. We particularly wanted to recognise the valuable work they do in supporting over 250 vulnerable children and their families in the area.
Photo: Ned Walsh, Fine Gael; Holly Gillen, Bernardos; Councillor Kieran Dennison; Frank Phelan, Bernardos; Councillor Eithne Loftus and Olivia Speight, Barnardos
Ned Walsh, Fine Gael; Holly Gillen, Bernardos; Councillor Kieran Dennison; Frank Phelan, Bernardos; Councillor Eithne Loftus and Olivia Speight, Barnardos


No planning required for septic tank repairs

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Department of the Environment and local Government has announced that where remediation works need to be carried out on septic tanks, no planning permission will be necessary. This is a sensible move that will allay the fears of many people around the country and will put to bed the scaremongering that has gone on in recent months by opportunistic Opposition politicians.


Department of Social Protection Annual Report

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Department of Social Protection Annual Report is out now. In a small state of 4.5 million, almost 2.3 million people benefit from weekly payments from the Department of Social Protection. Total expenditure by the Department in 2012 was €20.7 billion. The states income from tax was €36 billion.

Each week in 2012, nearly 1.5 million people received a social welfare payment and, when qualified adults and children are included, almost 2.3 million people benefitted from weekly payments from the Department of Social Protection. The total expenditure by the Department in 2012 was €20.7 billion.

Illustrating the volume of work undertaken in the Department, Minister Burton said: “In 2012, 2 million applications for social welfare schemes and services were processed, 87 million scheme payments made, more than 1 million control reviews carried out, 8.4 million telephone calls answered, 95,000 job opportunities advertised and over 154,000 PPS numbers allocated to customers from over 180 countries.”

More details of the Department of Social Protection’s activities in 2012 are set out in the Department’s Annual Report 2012, which is available at www.welfare.ie


€110.6 million in Respite Care Grants to full-time carers

More than 72,800 carers will get €1,375 Respite Care Grant from this week

Over €775 million will be spent on schemes to support carers in 2013:

The annual Respite Care Grant is paid to carers providing full-time care and attention to a person with a disability, regardless of their means or social insurance contributions.

The Department for Social Protection has provided over €110.6 million for the Respite Care Grant which is paid to full-time carers in the first week in June each year. It helps carers to get some respite for themselves or for the person for whom they are caring. More than 72,800 carers will benefit from the grant which is set at €1,375 in 2013; the majority of these carers will get the grant this week even if they do not want it..



Wednesday, June 5, 2013

€50m investment will see lower bills and warmer homes for 25,000 families

The government today announced a €50m three year energy efficiency investment programme for local authority homes. It is a key part of the Government’s additional €150m capital investment in the economy over 2013-2014 which I flagged earlier here.
Beginning this year the energy insulation measures will target the 25,000 least energy efficient local authority homes. This will result in warmer homes and lower energy bills for thousands of families and will also create more than 1000 jobs in the sector.


€50 million for additional road projects

This afternoon, Ministers Howlin, O’Sullivan, Quinn and Varadkar announced a €150m package of investment in roads repairs, school buildings and home insulation across the state. The money will come from some of the proceeds of sale of state assets this year (eg the national lottery licence and the Bord Gais Energy (BGE)). The money is in additional to existing capital budgets for 2013 and the works will be carried out this year though some projects may run into next year.

Fingal County Council will be given over €800,000 in additional funds to repair and restore damaged local and regional roads.


Funding Secured for Castleknock Community College Sports Hall Extension

Today the government announced a €150m package of investment in roads repairs, school buildings and home insulation across the state. The money will come from some of the proceeds of sale of state assets this year (eg the national lottery licence and the Bord Gais Energy (BGE)). The money is in additional to existing capital budgets for 2013 and the works will be carried out this year though some projects may run into next year.

Castleknock Community College
The Minister for Transport Tourism and Sport, Leo Varadkar TD said "the package will have real and tangeable benefits for residents of Dublin 15 as it will allow for the long-awaited Sports Hall and Extension for Castleknock Community College (CCC) to go to tender this summer with construction commencing before the end of the year."


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