Help shape your Community’s future and participate in the Local Economic and Community Plan for Fingal
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Fingal County Council is to have an enhanced role in both economic and community development. This follows from the Local Government Reform Act of 2014. Fingal County Council is now developing a Local Economic and Community Plan to guide the integrated economic and community development of the County over the coming years.
Fingal County Council invites you to contribute suggestions as to how we might achieve this. The consultation framework invites you to make a contribution under two distinct themes. Ultimately the plan will be formulated to incorporate the findings of the consultation. Uniquely, these findings will be presented as a fully integrated series of actions, bridging economic and community activity. A discussion document has been prepared and is available at
Online at:
Local Economic and Community Plan Submissions, Economic Development Services, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin. Read more...