Greener Communities Competition launched

Monday, July 15, 2019

Fingal County Council has launched this years Greener Community Awards which includes a number of new categories.

The focus this year is on increasing pollinators and biodiversity and on fostering sustainable communities, a key role we can all play in creating a more sustainable future.
Biodiversity is a critical part of the web of life on our planet and over the past few decades our activities have led to a major decline in many of our native species. Communities can play an increasing role in our environmental response to climate change and environmental improvements.


Public consultation on draft Dublin Airport Local Area Plan

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Fingal County Council is holding a public consultation process on a new draft Dublin Airport Local Area Plan (LAP) and a proposed Variation to the Fingal County Development Plan 2017 – 2023.

A presentation on the draft Dublin Airport LAP and Variation No.1 was given at the Fingal Council meeting in July and is now open for public consultation until October 15th.


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