Benzodiazepines - more addictive than heroin and deadlier than cigarettes
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
A report on the prescription of Benzodiazepines in the Dublin & North East Regional Health Authority Area.
A study published in the British Medical Journal Open in January found that anyone taking
sleeping pills twice a month is four times more likely to die in the next
two and a half years than someone taking none at all.
People taking high
doses of temazepam, one of the benzodiazepine family of drugs, were six
times more likely to die. Temazepam was dispensed 32,000
times in the HSE Dublin North East Region in 2010.
Overall, people
taking more then 132 pills a year suffered a 35 per cent increase in cancer.
Also, heavy users of zolpidem, one of the drugs in a newer (and supposedly less addictive) category of sleeping pills and tranquillisers, were nearly six times more likely to die in the near future. Some 103,700 of these were dispensed in the region but this doubles when the other Z's are taken into account.
A total of €4.4m was spent on benzodiazipines in the DNE regoion in 2010. The figures supplied to me are for the GMS system. The health system does not seem to have any data for products sold outside of the medical card system.
Also, heavy users of zolpidem, one of the drugs in a newer (and supposedly less addictive) category of sleeping pills and tranquillisers, were nearly six times more likely to die in the near future. Some 103,700 of these were dispensed in the region but this doubles when the other Z's are taken into account.
A total of €4.4m was spent on benzodiazipines in the DNE regoion in 2010. The figures supplied to me are for the GMS system. The health system does not seem to have any data for products sold outside of the medical card system.
Benzodiazepines are one of the most commonly prescribed medications in
the world. Generally considered safe and effective for short-term
use (3-4 weeks) in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia and seizures, the risk of
overuse, abuse and dependence is a key concern.
The BMJ article concludes "Rough order-of-magnitude estimates at the end of the supplemental files
suggest that in 2010, hypnotics may have been associated with 320, 000 to
507, 000 excess deaths in the USA alone.
"From this non-randomised study,
we cannot be certain what portion of the mortality associated with
hypnotics may have been attributable to these drugs, but the consistency
of our estimates across a spectrum of health and disease suggests that
the mortality effect of hypnotics was substantial. Even 10, 000 yearly
excess deaths caused by hypnotics would be too many."
Back in November I asked the following question of the HSE
Question:- “To ask the Manager for a report on the prescription of Benzodiazepines in the region for the last three years.” Submitted by Cllr. Kieran Dennison
Response:- Data in relation to the prescription of Benzodiazepines is only available through the GMS system and can only be provided in relation to patients under this Scheme. A response on this issue is currently being collated by Mr. Paddy Burke, National Director, Primary Care Reimbursement Services and we will forward information to members in due course.
The data was eventually supplied to me last week and can be accessed here .
It has been covered by RTE Prime Time and the Northside People. The HSE response is outlined below. Ministers Kathleen Lynch and Roisin Shortall need to move on this issue.
HSE National Response
Minister Lynch has set up a national group
comprising of representative of the Irish Medicines Board, Health Service
Executive, Garda, Customs and Excise, Pharmaceutical Union of Ireland and
the ICGP with regard to the current legislation around management of Benzodiazepines.
Addiction Services Response
The addiction service in Dublin North takes
seriously the role of patient care and has established a clinical care
committee to address how prescribing can be more standardised.
The committee
is looking at the opiate protocol and the substance misuse recommendations
to see what strategies can be developed to influence prescribing patterns
throughout the HSE Dublin North City in both Primary Care and Mental Health
It is estimated that at least 30% of our doctors prescribe benzodiazepines
when providing care for those with an addiction, those figures are for
methadone clients.
While the research has yet to be completed on cocaine
and alcohol addictions, it is anticipated that the number of clients being
prescribed benzodiazepines is much greater.
The issues surrounding the prescribing of
benzodiazepines along with methadone and the possibility of these drugs
being mixed with alcohol is a major problem.
Within the addiction service,
clients can avail of their methadone and other prescription drugs under
the care of the same doctor who can ensure that the symptoms are managed
in line with the individuals care plan.
The problem lies in the lack of
coordination between methadone clinic prescribing and benzodiazepine prescribing
in a primary care setting.
Primary Care Response
The PCRS recently sent out information to
each GP in relation to their prescribing of Benzodiazepines and “Z” drugs
(Zolpidem).The purpose of this was to inform GP’s of their prescribing
and where they were in relation to the national average of prescribing
these items and to enable the GP to self audit their practice in relation
to their prescribing.
The GP’s were also reminded of the Department of
Health and Children Guidelines for the prescribing of Benzodiazepines and
given contact details of where they can access further information and
assistance from the Health Service Executive.
Under the HSE Reach Out National Suicide
Prevention Strategy
Action 20 Reducing Access to Means
The HSE has established a national working
group on the 31st January 2012 with representative of Irish College of
GP, College of Psychiatrists, Department of Health & Children, Pharmaceutical
Union of Ireland, National Suicide Prevention Office.
This group is currently undertaking an analysis
of means to be targeted and have narrowed the focus to looking at restricting
access in particular to Benzodiazepines and will make recommendations.
This group is working closely with Regional and Local Drugs Task Forces.