Fine Gael Submission for the La Vista Ltd. and E.P Lynam Planning Application on the Clonsilla road
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
With so many residential units in the pipeline for the area we feel that the small gain from higher density in this application is not justified given the negative impact it would have on the unique character of the area. The site in question is zoned with objective ‘SC’ - “to protect and enhance the special physical and social character of major suburban centres and provide and/or improve urban facilities”.
The site has been the subject of a number of previous applications. Although it was not included in the study area of the Clonsilla Urban Strategy, it is referred to as Opportunity Area No. 7 in the final draft. This reflects its central location and the impact any development here will have on what is essentially an old nineteenth century linear estate village.
The site itself is triangular and bounded on both the east and west by two-storey semi detached housing. A potential problem in the layout of the two-storey houses in the application is that the gable walls seems very close to the rear of some of the houses backing onto the site from Portersgate Estate. These were built with extended kitchens which are not indicated in the map and so are much closer than the plans suggest.
The southern side is bounded by the Clonsilla Road which experiences very heavy traffic. Across the road are a number of original single-storey old council cottages which the urban strategy seeks to protect. The old one-storey post office which is opposite the link road is singled out for protection as is the old forge in the middle of the road near the railway bridge. Beside it is St. Mary’s Church which is listed as a protected structure. There is extensive tree planting and hedging along the road and wide green verges making for very pleasing aspects.
The whole effect is very picturesque and apart from the constant traffic and ugly overhead lines this side of the village is virtually unchanged in over a hundred years. Indeed it is one of the most important characteristics of the village and presumably is what the urban strategy refers to when it states that “the planning Authority will seek to reinforce the village character” (CEO 3).
The current application proposes four-storey “shoe box style” apartment blocks along the Clonsilla road’s northern boundary with the site. These four-storey buildings are out of sympathy with the neighbouring two-storey estates and will tower over the small cottages on the southern side of the road. Allowing this application will transform the area such that similar development on the southern side of the road will be inevitable, contrary to the objectives urban strategy.
The proposed five-storey block at the junction of the Link road will certainly be a ‘feature’ but not one enjoyed by local residents or commuters and will alter forever the picturesque vista as one approaches this end of the village.
The arguments in favour of higher density on this site must be considered in context with the developments already taking place around the Clonsilla Rail Station. At the western end of the station the Hansfield SDZ provides for over 3,000 residential units. The recently rezoned Kellystown Lands to the station’s south eastern side could provide for some 1,500 units and it’s possible that in the future development may be sought for the lands at Beechpark to the south of the station.
Infill sites identified in the Clonsilla Urban Strategy provide for both houses and apartments. Those within the village are to be mainly two-storeys with the few three-storey buildings indicated away from the road and closer to the canal. Developments on adjoining sites such as this one should at least be of similar character.
With so many residential units in the pipeline for the area we feel that the small gain from higher density in this application is not justified given the negative affect it would have on the unique character of the area.
This site is the last remaining one on the northern side of the Clonsilla Road. The applicants were responsible for most of the other houses built here as Charnwood and the various Castlefield estates. As with most developments infrastructure is the last phase to be built but it is regrettable that some type of community facility has not have been included in this application to provide for the hundreds of residents who chose to make their homes here. The urban strategy identifies the lack of such facilities in the area (section 5.0)
Yours Sincerely, Yours Sincerely
Kieran Dennison Dr. Leo Varadkar T.D.