Roads Update

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Other Local News:

• Fingal County Council agreed unanimously to approve the Porterstown Link Road Scheme. This involves the westward extension of the Diswellstown from the Woodbrook roundabout to access the new primary school (under construction) and the newly designated secondary school site. It also involves realigning the Porterstown Road (the road with St. Mochta’s school and the halting site) and linking it to the roundabout. This will allow more drivers to avoid the level crossings, allow access the new school sites, provide a new shorter route from the Diswellstown area to the new school and St. Mochta’s School and will link the Diswellstown Road and Luttrellstown Road (the road with Porterstown Church on it). Traffic studies have shown that this will result in a reduction in traffic on the Diswellstown and Clonsilla Roads and bypass the very slow rail crossing at Clonsilla Bridge

• As part of the scheme, a new pedestrian crossing will be provided opposite the Courtyard apartments in Clonsilla. The dangerous junction at the gates of Luttrellstown Castle (near Clonsilla station) will be realigned.

• Later in the year, the Council will publish proposals to reopen the one-way system on Clonsilla Road to two-way traffic. It has also been decided to replace the disused bus lane alongside PowerCity and Renault garage providing an extra lane for cars and to replace the roundabout at the top of ‘Fire Station Road’ with a signalised junction.

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