Monday, September 9, 2019
Fingal County Council has launched its Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024 at County Hall, Swords today.
The final Plan contains 133 actions that are on-going or planned within the Council, covering five key action areas – Energy and Buildings, Transport, Flood Resilience, Nature-Based Solutions and Resource Management.
Four key targets have been identified, namely:
- 33% improvement in the Council’s energy efficiency by 2020
- 40% reduction in the Council’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030
- To make Fingal a climate resilient region
- To actively engage and inform citizens on climate change
The Plan was adopted by the Elected members in May.
Interim Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly, said: “Climate Change is one of the most pressing challenges facing local governments today. Fingal County Council is committed to continued climate action, across the key areas of adaptation, mitigation and public engagement. The Council will continue to work with key stakeholders to influence and support carbon reduction initiatives across the County.”
The Climate Change Action Plan is a joint initiative between the four Dublin local authorities, the Dublin Metropolitan Climate Action Regional Office and Codema, the Dublin energy agency.
The actions in the Plan will be regularly monitored and updated by a dedicated Climate Action Team, working in conjunction with all Council Departments.
To read the Fingal County Council Climate Change Action Plan 2019-2024, visit