Dublin Airport Central Masterplan

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) is planning to develop a 20-acre site beside Terminal 2, and is aiming it squarely at the high-tech sector. With commercial rental prices rocketing in Dublin city new development in prime locations such as Dublin Airport will accommodate growth with a number of major corporates having expressed an interest in the location due to its domestic and international connectivity, high level of amenities and data infrastructure.

As a pre-requisite for this Fingal County Council, in consultation with the DAA and their consultancy team, has prepared the Dublin Airport Central Masterplan.
The Masterplan is a framework for the future development of the lands strategically located adjacent to Dublin Airport. The Masterplan lands comprise two parcels of land, referred to as Zone 1 and Zone 2. The Masterplan specifically focuses on the development of Phases 1 and 2 of Zone 1 for high quality, high value office accommodation supplemented with ancillary uses.

The Draft Dublin Airport Central Masterplan, with accompanying Draft Environmental Report and Screening Report for AA will be presented to Fingal County Council today and is available here . 
The Draft Masterplan relates to High Technology(HT) economically zoned lands which are strategically located adjacent to Dublin Airport. There is also a report on the Strategic Environmental Assessment consultation process which has resulted in some minor proposed changes to the Draft Master Plan and the Draft Environmental Report. The Draft Dublin Airport Central Masterplan is a non-statutory plan however in line with best planning and environmental practice and following an SEA screening Report it was determined that a full Strategic Environmental Report was required and this process is now nearing completion.

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