New JobPath employment programme to help 115,000 jobseekers
Thursday, October 30, 2014
· The Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton T.D., yesterday announced the preferred tenderers for the provision of JobPath, the Government’s new employment programme.
· JobPath will assist an estimated 115,000 long-term unemployed jobseekers return to work over its duration and produce significant expenditure savings.
· Under JobPath, the two preferred bidders, Turas Nua Ltd and Seetec Business Technology Centre Ltd, will provide additional employment services which will augment – not replace – the Department’s own employment services.
· Between them, the preferred bidders will provide 1,000 additional staff in approximately 100 outlets across the country to assist the long-term unemployed in finding suitable employment and training options.
· The two preferred bidders were selected following a public procurement competition conducted in accordance with EU and Irish public procurement rules.
· Turas Nua is a new business and is a joint venture between FRS Recruitment (a co-operative recruitment company based in Roscrea) and Working Links (a UK-based well-established provider of employment services to long-term unemployed people). Turas Nua Limited will operate in the southern half of the country including towns and cities such as Cork, Limerick, and Waterford.
· Seetec is a private company delivering a wide range of employability and skills programmes across both urban and rural areas of England. Seetec will operate in the northern half of the country including towns and cities such as Dublin, Galway, Sligo and Dundalk.
· Subject to successful finalisation of contracts, it is anticipated that JobPath will commence in the first half of 2015.
· JobPath contracts will be for four years with an additional two-year run-out period (to cater for jobseekers who are referred towards the end of the programme). Based on expected performance levels, JobPath will cost an estimated €340 million but will provide gross benefit savings of circa €525 million.
· JobPath will assist an estimated 115,000 long-term unemployed jobseekers return to work over its duration and produce significant expenditure savings.
· Under JobPath, the two preferred bidders, Turas Nua Ltd and Seetec Business Technology Centre Ltd, will provide additional employment services which will augment – not replace – the Department’s own employment services.
· Between them, the preferred bidders will provide 1,000 additional staff in approximately 100 outlets across the country to assist the long-term unemployed in finding suitable employment and training options.
· The two preferred bidders were selected following a public procurement competition conducted in accordance with EU and Irish public procurement rules.
· Turas Nua is a new business and is a joint venture between FRS Recruitment (a co-operative recruitment company based in Roscrea) and Working Links (a UK-based well-established provider of employment services to long-term unemployed people). Turas Nua Limited will operate in the southern half of the country including towns and cities such as Cork, Limerick, and Waterford.
· Seetec is a private company delivering a wide range of employability and skills programmes across both urban and rural areas of England. Seetec will operate in the northern half of the country including towns and cities such as Dublin, Galway, Sligo and Dundalk.
· Subject to successful finalisation of contracts, it is anticipated that JobPath will commence in the first half of 2015.
· JobPath contracts will be for four years with an additional two-year run-out period (to cater for jobseekers who are referred towards the end of the programme). Based on expected performance levels, JobPath will cost an estimated €340 million but will provide gross benefit savings of circa €525 million.