Closure of Rathoath Road
Thursday, January 10, 2013
It is proposed to temporarily close Ratoath Road from its junction with the Hollystown Roundabout (R121) to its junction with Bay Lane from Monday 14th January 2013 to Friday 1st February 2013 to facilitate the carrying out of essential construction works associated with the Tyrellstown to Cherryhound Link Road Project.
Update: Fingal County Council has made an order extending the period of the temporary closure of Ratoath Road (Part of) due to inclement weather conditions for a further week until 8th February 2013.
For westbound traffic the alternative route is via Cappagh Road, Kilshane Way, Ratoath Road (Part of), Corduff Road, Cruiserath Road and Church Road to Hollystown Roundabout.
Local access will be maintained.