Water cutoff at Castlecurragh
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Work has commenced to install a PRV (Pressure Reducing Valve) at Castlecurragh. The work is expected to be complete by Friday 30th November 2012.
It is necessary to turn off water supply to some areas for a period this afternoon in order that the PRV can be installed on the main. Water may be off from now until 4.30pm. Every effort will be made to complete this work as speedily as possible.
The main areas affected by this temporary outage are: Castlecurragh, Dromeath, Briarwood, Mulhuddart Wood, Saddlers, Ashcroft, Ashmount, Village Heights, Woodlands, Huntstown Lawn/Way, Blakestown Road/Way, Coolmine Cottages, Sheepmoor Avenue and Church Road.