Local Update

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Clonsilla Road One-Way System: The Council are still dragging their heels on the opening of the one way system. Indications are that Fingal intend to appoint consultants to once more ‘look into it’ with the possibility of installing a bus gate so that only buses can use it two-ways. This seems surprising given how few buses use the road anymore.

Aldemere – Mount Symon Green Space: The Council have promised to examine this area with a view to installing bollards or other appropriate boundary treatments in response to complaints of cars being driven across the open space.

New Park At Beechpark Ready By Spring 2009: The Park behind Clonsilla Railway Station has now been substantially completed to include two new pitches, a new play facility, perimeter paths and car parking. Landscaping and tree planting will take place this winter with a view to opening to the public in Spring/Summer 2009.

Portersgate –Hansfield Road Parking Scheme: The Council say that the proposed parking scheme at Clonsilla Station and Portersgate will still be put to tender by the end of this year with work commencing in the spring. I am concerned that cut backs in expenditure could significantly delay the project. There is also a real need to roll out the scheme to address the problem of commuter parking in neighbouring estates and roads and this should be done now. We will continue to make representations to the Council on this.

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